County Treasurer
Tax Payment Information:
- Can be made by mail, in person, or online after the amount and collector has been verified with our office.
- Phone Number: 315-785-3055
- Email:
- Address: Jefferson County Treasurer, 175 Arsenal Street, Watertown, NY 13601
- Checks should be payable to: Jefferson County Treasurer.
- Click here to make an online tax payment.
- When paying online:
- ID NUMBER = Tax map (parcel) number (OR 911 address) AND installment number
- There will be a 3.0% plus $.69 convenience fee applied to all credit card payments.
- We do not accept American Express, but all other major credit cards are accepted.
- Payments sent for an incorrect amount or to the wrong collector will be rejected and returned.
Please do not make an online payment before contacting our office at (315)785-3055 or to verify the amount and collector.
2025 Town/County Tax Bills are arriving soon! Please read your bill closely to make sure your payment goes to the correct place to avoid additional fees and penalties. The Treasurer's Office does not start collecting until March 15, 2025. Please contact your Town Clerk if you have any questions.
Please be advised, school taxes and village taxes are no longer payable. These taxes will be relevied into your 2025 Town/County Taxes.
We will contact you via e-mail in the event that a payment is made for the wrong amount or to our office in error.
Brian S. Peck
175 Arsenal Street
Watertown, New York 13601
Phone: (315)785-3055
Fax: (315)785-7589
Office Hours:
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sept. 1 thru June 30
Collections through 4:45 p.m. Sept. 1 thru June 30
8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. July 1 thru Aug. 31
Collections through 3:45 p.m. July 1 thru Aug. 31
- To maintain an adequate and acceptable financial record system for the County of Jefferson.
- Provide County departments as well as Local, State, and Federal governments with required and informational financial reporting.
- Cash Management.
- Collection of delinquent Village, School, Town and County real property taxes (City of Watertown excluded).
- Serve as depositary for custodial and various trusts; public administrator of estates.
- Responsibility for County employee payroll.
- Administration and collection of Jefferson County Room Occupancy tax.
- Provide services and records to public. Examples are matters concerning real property tax searches, dog damage claims, statistical data regarding sales tax and tax related revenues, and certificates of residency.
Types Of Services, Assistance
- ACCOUNTING: Encumbrance of funds when any item is purchased by Jefferson County and verification on the purchase order that funding will be available and has had budgetary approval. Payment of all audited claims against Jefferson County as well as payment for debt service, payroll, distribution of funds due other governments such as Sales Tax or Real Property Taxes. Review, verify and record all Jefferson County revenue claims and payments received. Provide status reports to other departments monthly and as requested. Provide annual Financial Reports as required by law and for efficient management.
- CASH MANAGEMENT: Prepare an annual projected cash flow from budget as approved by County Board of Legislators. Responsible for available cash balances to pay claims for all funds such as County Roads and Machinery, General (including Social Services), Self Insurance, Fringe Benefits, and Capital Projects. Investment of excess funds within guidelines of County Investment Policy for optimum earnings and all sufficiently insured under FDIC or backed by approved Government Securities. Arrange for sale of Bond Anticipation Notes and Bonds for Capital Projects and/or cash needs (Revenue Anticipation Notes) as approved by County Board of Legislators.
Accountability And Credibility
In accordance with the Single Audit act of 1984, Jefferson County contracts with an independent audit firm to annually audit the financial records and statements of the Treasurer's office. Records are maintained under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and in accordance with The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). In addition, internal controls, such as segregation of duties, especially in transactions involving cash, are practiced.