Autopsy Report Request
The information contained in an autopsy report is not public record and is treated as a confidential medical record. Please see below for instructions on how to request reports.
NOTE: If the case is a homicide or still under criminal/active investigation, a report cannot be released without permission from the District Attorney’s Office.
The autopsy report is available only to the legal next of kin. Legal next of kin means one of the following, in this descending order: Please do not submit a request for reports if there are surviving relatives that come before you in the list below:
Reports may be obtained by contacting the Medical Examiner’s Office or completing the Autopsy Report Request Form .
There is no fee for an autopsy report sent directly to the next-of-kin. If you have authorized your attorney or insurance company to obtain an autopsy report, the Medical Examiner’s Office is willing to release directly, but there will be associated fees.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the Medical Examiner’s Office at (315) 786-3755.