Job Seeker Services

The WorkPlace is here to assist you in your job search; whether you are unemployed, under-employed or just looking to enter a new career field.  As the lead agency for workforce development in the area, we offer a wide range of free services. 

Please note that you do need to register with us to utilize most of our services, with the exception being open interviews and our job fairs. However, we do recommend registering so that we can send you job leads and information on upcoming events!  

Career Guidance & Job Search Resources

Our staff is here to help you assess your skills and interests.  More importantly, we’ll also help you match those skills and interests to jobs that are available in our area.  By working together, we’ll help you develop a step-by-step plan to your job search!  

Employers throughout our region list diverse job openings with local American Job Centers and many use our centers to conduct on-site interviews.  We hold targeted recruitments with businesses that need your skills and experience.

Need help with your resume?  While we do not write resumes from scratch, we can review your resume and make suggestions on changes or updates.  Check out our WorkPlace Online! page for videos, resume & interviewing packets, and more!  Once you've finished looking through the videos and packets and are ready to start typing up your resume, call to use our Resource Room at 315-786-3689! 

Resource Room

Our Resource Room is available for job search and unemployment related needs and is equipped with computers, a printer/copier and a customer telephone. Unemployment customers can file their claim on our computers, and job seekers are welcome to use our Resource Room for job search needs.  

Please note that our Resource Room is meant to be self-service & is not staffed. We will of course try to help you if we can, but we cannot guarantee that someone will always be available to assist. 

USA Jobs & the Federal Resume Workshop  

This workshop is offered monthly on the second Tuesday from 1:00-3:00 pm.  If you have ever thought about applying for a Federal job or have tried applying with no luck, you need to attend this workshop! 

We will show you how to tailor your application and resume for USA Jobs, and how they both differ from any other application or resume you've ever used!  Please bring a copy of your current resume if you have one, preferably in an electronic format (flash drive, in your email, Google drive, etc.).  

Call us at 315-786-3687 to reserve a spot!

Classroom Training (For Those Who Qualify)

Are you thinking about going to school or back to school?  The WorkPlace may be able to help with funding!  Classroom training grants are available for customers entering into an approved training program, provided you meet certain eligibility requirements and we having funding available.  

For more information please click here.

On The Job Training (For Those Who Qualify)

The On-the-Job Training program is designed to help unemployed and underemployed people improve their situation in the workforce, while giving businesses a financial incentive to hire and train them in full-time skilled or semi-skilled occupations.  Contact us at 315-786-3651 for more information!